There have been many people who have prevented and reversed sickness in their body by changing their diet to eating a majority of God's Original Diet. This diet along with living a healthy spiritual lifestyle is usually enough to prevent many diseases that man is afflicted with today. Using Biblical principals everyday in the area of health is the safest and most effective way to prevent and reverse diseases.
Dr. Hill has witnessed many suffering with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, uterine fibroids, arthritis and even early stages of cancer reverse these illnesses by eating the way God intended. Through reading this book, you too, can learn to live an abundant life without sickness just as God intended for you. When you make the decision to eat the way God instructed you to, sickness will no longer be a worry. It is not God's will for you to be suffering within a sick body; nor is it His will for you to be taking unnecessary drugs, and it is certainly not God's will for you to die before your time.
God's Original Diet
addresses why sickness occurs and then changes the cause of sickness instead of covering up the symptoms with medicine. Only when you change to living a lifestyle supported by God will you come into abundant life, and this book will show you the way. Congratulations on making the steps toward Spiritual health.